TEAM FrightFest



CO-DIRECTOR - An experienced film and Television publicist who has worked with Dario Argento, George Romero. Alejandro Jodorowsky and Columbia Pictures. He is a former head of entertainment publicity at Channel 4.


Ian Rattray

CO-DIRECTOR - Retired film programmer, film distributor, filmmaker and designer with over 30 years plus of experience within the UK film industry. He now runs his own film booking and distribution company and also makes transport films that sell around the world. 


paul McEvoy

CO-DIRECTOR - One of the founders of FrightFest, Paul was the programming coordinator for the UK Horror Channel and was co-owner of the highly successful Cinema Store. He is now freelancing on various film and television projects.


Alan Jones

CO-DIRECTOR - An internationally renowned journalist, broadcaster and author on the fantasy, horror and sci-fi genres. He has written seven books including the best-selling THE ROUGH GUIDE TO HORROR MOVIES, DARIO ARGENTO: THE MAN and THE MYTHS & THE MAGIC.



CO-FESTIVAL MANAGER - A health service manager, Helen first volunteered at FrightFest in 2010, filling various roles before moving exclusively to cover box office functions in 2012.


James Taylor

CO-FESTIVAL MANAGER - First introduced to FrightFest in 2007, he joined in 2015 as a volunteer. In 2016, he became a front-of-the-house manager, soon volunteer coordinator, and now co-festival manager. James has several years of customer service experience with Picturehouse Cinemas.